In this fireside chat, Roofers Mart’s IT Manager, Tina Boyd, shared how switching to WorldView’s AP automation eliminated manual headaches and delivered real business impact. By replacing paper-heavy processes with a fully digital workflow, Roofers Mart saved 720+ hours annually, recovered $70K+ in missed payment discounts, and simplified approvals—all while boosting employee morale. With integration into their Agility ERP, they now handle invoices with speed, accuracy, and zero paper clutter. Want to see how automation can save you time and money? Let’s talk.
How much can you save using AP Workflow?
This session explores:
Impact of AP Automation: Roofers Mart saved 720+ hours annually, recovered $70K+ in missed discounts, eliminated paper, simplified approvals, and boosted employee morale time stamp: 20:14
Hi, everyone. Welcome to today's webinar.
We have Roofers Mart and WorldView here for a fireside chat, kind of to talk about, best ways to leverage AP automation, for growth and efficient business practices.
So welcome, Roger and Tina.
We're going to go over, some introductions real quick before we get started, and then you can kind of read through what we've got going on. So kind of understanding Roofers Mart's, challenges before AP Automation, why they made the change, getting started, and kind of looking at what their business looks like today and moving forward. And then we'll have a q and a at the end.
So I will hand it over to Roger to introduce himself.
Yeah. Hello, everyone. My name is Roger Player with WorldView. I'm a program manager.
I've been with WorldView. I started back in two thousand seven, so I have a lot of history and knowledge of what we're doing, to help, companies like Roofers Mart.
So, Tina, do you wanna introduce yourself?
Sure. My name is, Tina Boyd. I'm the IT manager for Roofers Mart.
I started fifteen years ago in AP, so I kind of understand what you guys are all gonna be looking at, what that's like in the accounts payable department.
But we've been with WorldView for the AP automation for a year, and total time has been two and a half years because we started with, doc storage.
So welcome.
Yeah. So thanks, Chelsey, for getting some questions just to kinda help guide the conversation. So starting with understanding the challenges, you know, before on the old way, the manual way. So I guess, you know, Tina, before using API automation, what were the biggest problems Roofers Mart faced when handling documents and invoices on the payroll?
Yeah. Well, we received so many documents, so many invoices to set up to pay via mail, into a shared payables mailbox, by email. So we we had invoices coming in, and then we had to take those, print those out, scan them to our eight locations, daily, wait for them to fix the problems or respond, and we had that communication lag. We'd wait to set up until it was balanced. The receiving, matched the invoices and the purchase orders. And so paperwork got lost. We had to keep replying back to each other.
We missed discounts, and we spent so much time, like, putting out fires with our vendors, that we didn't get to focus on AP cleanup, reviewing statements.
So those were some of the issues that we started with, back whenever it was all paper.
Yeah. That makes sense. I know I work with a lot of companies that do the same process where they have invoices come in and they have to print them out and then manually figure out and go through exceptions. Or they try to do a quasi document management where they save it to an Outlook folder and then move it to another Outlook folder. But, yeah, that makes sense. And just thinking about all the other impacts is is interesting.
But how did, you know, relying on paper, slow things down for your team?
Oh, sure. So our our especially our purchasing slash operations managers, they had to spend, like, so much of their day, in the afternoon just reviewing invoices, responding back to AP, typing that extra email.
And the nice thing is is that they don't have to do that response back now with, the new system. So it would just slow down the whole process.
And when I was an AP, I would get frustrated with some of my team members because I would be sitting on something waiting for that discount for them to correct it, make sure it was, ready to go. And then I would get frustrated because I couldn't set things up to be paid because I didn't know if it was correct or not, or should I reach out to the vendor. So that it was just, you know, for the users themselves in the afternoon, the amount of labor they had to spend reviewing. And then, for my part, when I was in that department, I had to wait to set things up.
Yeah. That makes sense.
I think, you know, doing a manual three way match and relying on others to do that work before you could continue your job for it can be frustrating.
Automating that where a computer can do the three way match, a a majority of those can be auto, approved and not need to be looked at versus just focusing on the exceptions can really, you know, clear things up. So that makes sense.
Yeah. Definitely.
Can you describe what it's like dealing with all that paperwork every day, though? Just the sheer volume of it.
Oh, sure. I mean, it was it was hundreds of documents daily.
I'd have nightmares sometimes about just stacks of paper. If I needed to work remotely, I'd have to grab, you know, the big stacks of paper, you know, put them in a bag, carry them home, you know, and set up the voucher one by one.
Then after that, I have to put them into the filing cabinet and then pull them from the filing cabinet on check run days, and then we'd staple it all to the check. So you touch some of these pieces of paper, like, you know, five to six times. And then you also had to, for the auditors, pull them at one point in time to have the auditors review.
So it was nice. Once all of that was in the system, we could just give the auditors a username and password, and they could look these things up themselves without us having to pull, invoices and receiving paperwork or whatever they were looking for.
But, yeah, it was it was miserable. I can't I mean, I I'm paperless now. It's kinda nice other than Post its. I don't have to, like, worry about all that paper.
Yeah. I think it's, nice to think of you know, before you had Worldview altogether, it was fully paper based where you're printing off invoices and putting them in a filing cabinet. Someone needs to see something going to the file cabinet, and especially you have multiple branches involved.
You know, going to doc storage is great because you can, scan the document and then retrieve it from the doc storage button in your Agility application.
But, you know, incorporating something, with the workflow automation, there are different points of time where you need to view documents like the during the check run. And having those digitally available is really nice to have. So you're not assembling that AP packet at the very end to have someone review a check every time. So, yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
Right. Mhmm.
Well, cool. Like, just kind of talking about deciding to make a change.
What made you realize that Roofers Mart needed a better way to manage these?
Well, as we grew and hired new employees or people got promotions, moved to different departments, You know, you gotta train someone. You have to to get someone new in. And some of the people that we we had, in between might not have been as precise as as others in that department.
So we finally figured out it was time to make a change when, for the first time in our history, we were having vendors, like, cut off our credit limit because we were not making payments. We had lost invoices, missed, you know, missed invoices, so many things because they weren't set up by EP because they weren't correct.
Yeah. And we had purchasing managers upset because they needed to order material for customers.
We also had, like, our controller upset because we were missing payment discounts. So we knew that it was time, regardless of who was in that department.
We needed something where it didn't matter who, you know, who was doing it that, you know, we had a system that worked all the time, and we weren't gonna be late, and we weren't gonna miss discounts. So Yeah. That's why we kinda reached out.
Yeah. That was interesting just because I work with a lot of companies like I mentioned, and a lot of things we look at are, like, hard costs. Like, hey. What discounts are we potentially missing?
How much time savings are we, are we giving as far as employees go? Or, hey. We have to we're gonna grow by x. You know, maybe we we'll have to hire additional resources if we put automation in.
But the vendor relationship aspect is interesting. I don't really ever go into it that much with with different companies, but it is something to think about. A lot of people, really value their vendors and put a lot of effort and work into it. So keeping them happy is a big component of it that makes sense.
Exactly. Mhmm.
So why did you choose WorldView other over other options that were out there?
Well, we reached out to DMSI because we always since that's our ERP system, we try to use third party.
I've been to some of the DMSI user groups. I over the years, we always thought we could we could manage it.
But then as we grew and grew and things changed, we couldn't. And so I knew you guys had a relationship with DMSI. It was gonna be a no brainer. It was gonna be so much easier to implement than using someone outside of, you know, that, like, scope. So, so we reached out to DMSI, and they kind of set us up with with talking to you guys. So and building that relationship.
Great. Yeah. And we appreciate that. We've, been, good partners with TeamSite since our inception.
And I think one of the good things is, obviously, we have a heavily integrated solution with the Agility ERP software.
But then our employees talk with people like you daily, so we can help understand and consult you on what's the best way of doing things. So, that relationship has always been great.
So Exactly.
Because you guys know Agility, so we don't have you guys know the screens. You have access, so it's it's really nice.
I know enough about Agility to be dangerous.
But, but yeah.
Well, let's talk about getting started with the AP solution. What was the process like when you first started using AP automation?
I think the the first thing was and and as you know, figuring out, like, what did we want like, how did we wanna separate things out? What did we want our dashboards to, show? What did we want how did we wanna separate separate out exceptions?
Who's approving?
How it's going into the system? So, like, working with you guys and you're showing us some sample dashboards, some sample flows, you know, that was kind of, like, the hardest part, I think. And even, like, towards the end, and the nice thing was that we could fine tune along the way, things we may not have thought of, at the beginning, like, who's approving credit? Who's approving non PO?
You know, do we want it to be an ops manager, or do we just want those to go straight through AP? So making some of those decisions on the workflow itself, that was probably, you know, took the longest at first Yeah. And what kind of dashboards we wanted.
Yep. No. That makes sense.
I think as if you're looking at getting started with an AP automation solution, I think there's a few more slides after this that we can kinda go in the things to think about.
But, yeah, I think looking at your current process today, like, before you start is important to say, hey. What are we doing? And this is a great time to put what you want in place as far as these, checks and balances or, you know, who's involved with what, and putting a workflow really forces processes to be followed, which sometimes some branches would do their own thing. So, Correct. Yep. I think getting all that information down, is is good. And it it does take some time and some thinking, but that's something that we can always help with.
Right. Exactly.
Were there any challenges or adjustments your team had to make when you implemented the solution?
I would say getting our agility system up to date, before we could manually do things at the time you entered vouchers. So it gave us that time to update vendor records, update make sure phone numbers, addresses, that we had good information in Agility, which we hadn't done since we probably came into the system. So we had to adapt to that. Luckily, there's imports, so it was really easy to change some spreadsheets, import them in.
So that was kinda one of the things because training the system, as you'll if anyone signs on, they'll understand, the data's only gonna pull, you know, what you have in the system. It's if not, it's not gonna match. So we had to train the system so that we could match the invoices, and we could import them in.
So I would say that probably making those adjustments and letting our AP department know that it's really important to put in good information. It does matter.
Yeah. That makes sense.
You know, when people think of an automation solution, they think fully automated. Or, you know, we use OCR, and AI is the big buzzword now.
When our system reads invoices, it's not magic. It's not gonna be a hundred percent. I don't have to look at them. So the we have to figure out how the system works and then making sure we are getting the right data that we can have a computer make decisions for us for what's in agility. So, yeah, there's some cleanup work that needs to be done, and, that's good for people to know that ahead of time.
Right. Exactly.
Was there a specific moment when you thought, this is really making a difference?
Oh, definitely. I would say we we went live in February. By the end of March, all of the ops managers and purchasing managers who always complained before about having to approve invoices and maybe upset with our AP department because they needed help from them, All of a sudden, they all call. They're like, oh my gosh.
This is amazing. Like, I don't have anything like, you know, they'd have five or six things because everything that matched went in the system. And they all started to, like, call in, like, oh my gosh. This is amazing, Tina.
Why didn't we have this before? You know, there it was making their job so much easier.
And then the nice thing was is I oh, even after I left AP, the AP department, I would still always help everyone, get AP cleaned up and our AP recon. And it used to, like, make me really upset when I looked at AP recon because it was a mess out of balances. And then all of a sudden, I started looking, like, after sixty days, and I was like, wait a second. We don't have that much. Everything we have in AP Recon is legitimate stuff. We're waiting for invoices we just received. So it was just kinda nice finally.
And even at the end of the year this year for end of year AP cleanup, it was like nothing. It was, like, back to what it was when we were so small.
So it was just, everyone could feel it across the company. Everyone was commenting, across the board about how much of a difference it was making.
So Yeah.
That's that's great to hear. Yeah. Yeah. Employee morale is huge. I you know, people Yeah.
Well, my boss will ask me once in a while, hey. What can I do to make your job easier? And Right. It's nice to hear when things work out like that.
So I appreciate that.
You know, before we move on to the other one, just kind of I wanted to get time just to let people know things that they may wanna think about, as they as they're starting to look at evaluating of, deploying an AP automation solution.
I think one thing just to keep in mind would be, how are your invoices coming into your company? So a lot of our customers that we work with, they have an AP email account, or maybe they have several, like, one for freight invoices and one for inventory invoices and one for expense invoices.
What we do is we use a solution called mailbox importer to automatically connect into those mailboxes and pull the invoices through.
One thing you wanna look at is look at how your suppliers are sending your invoices into your organization.
If they're going to branches or individuals or maybe we need to look at trying to reevaluate how they're sending those in, That's something we can assist you guys in and give you guys some best practices.
But really think through, you know, the basis of how they're coming into your organization.
And then, Tina actually hit on this, would be the vendor, cleanup. So just so everyone's aware, for we we do an OCR, this the computer grabs all the information off the invoice. We do have to match it to a remit to record in Agility. And we use phone numbers and addresses for that.
And a lot of times when we start rolling this out and doing some testing with with individuals, as they start doing the OCR, we'll find out that the phone number isn't in Agility. So it can't match that phone number to, to the remit to record in Agility. Or maybe the address is different. Or you might have two remit twos with the same phone number and address, and the computer can't make a determination of which one's which.
So it requires us to tell it. So, one thing to think through would be, as we start to roll this out, we would wanna look at what your your vendor records are set up to and make sure that those are cleaned up moving forward.
And then lastly and this is the first thing Tina had mentioned actually, was how do we route documents? Who who do they go to?
And I mentioned, you know, it's great to understand, hey. What's our current process today, and what should it be? So I work with a lot of AP clerks where they look at the invoices that come in, and they'll do a check inside of Agility to see if that three way match works. And that's a time consuming process.
And then, they will then try to figure out how to fix it, or should this be paid or not and reach out to the receiving team or whatever to the branch location.
What our system allows us to do is route those to individuals. Like, for example, if you wanna get your buyers involved in the process, if an invoice fails AP recon, we could have it automatically get routed to the buyer where they're only looking at the exceptions.
So but you have options and it's configurable for that. But what I like to tell people to do is just kind of document the what you're doing today, and then how would you want it to look like. And so those are just things to think through as you start getting, saying, hey. Do I need something, and what would I want to look like?
And then, lastly, would be the reporting of it. We would wanna understand what type of reporting and metrics you wanna track with the solution like this.
If you have certain, issues with your company today or your process today, Let's figure out what they are, and then how can we report on it to say, alright. Let's look back six months later. How are we doing with the system? Is it is it ROI like we're expecting to?
So getting into the impact part of your business, I know you had mentioned, Tina, when we first started working together, we were kind of doing a a case study with you, and that Roofers Mart saves seven hundred and twenty hours a year, just going paperless.
Has that changed things for your team, or how has it?
Well, I mean, it's definitely, it could even be more. I think we were estimating I mean, honestly, it could be more hours than that because not only on the AP side, we're also saving time for, like, order, you know, inside sales and outside sales reps. They have the information at their fingertips
So they're not having to go to someone else. If we're scanning that information and it's on a sales order, you know, purchase orders have all the information.
Everything is at our fingertips now. So we said seven hundred and twenty hours just for AP side, but it's also across the board, you know, the whole company because everything is is in there now. You know? So it could be more it could be more than that, you know, if we actually looked at how much time the other departments are saving.
So Yeah. That makes sense.
The from a doc storage solution, it it does go way beyond AP. So, yeah, I I that makes a lot of sense.
Yeah. Exactly. So mhmm.
How, how is using automation affected how you handle invoices and payments?
Well, the nice thing is now we don't need banker boxes anymore and file cabinets. We used to have a a huge room that had you went into a dark, room, to file all this stuff away, and then you pull it out at the end of the year, you know, put it in banker boxes on a pallet in the warehouse for five years.
So the nice thing is now we no longer have those items.
All of the documentation is stored in OnBase. Yeah. We can retrieve it at any time, every invoice. And then when Laura, who signs our checks, is doing checks, the nice thing is is that you guys have created that where we run the she can click right in the check as she's looking at the paper check down below, and then she can go directly to an invoice that she wants to question whether it's an expense one, like, why are we paying this? And that's all in there.
You know, if we missed a discount, she can go directly to see why, while she's, like, signing her checks. So that's, like you know, all we have to file now is a copy of the check. And we really I don't even think we're making copies, honestly. I don't think the girls are making it because the check's going directly into the system. So I don't even think we do that anymore. Yeah.
But I haven't checked on that.
So No.
That makes sense. I know going on-site, with customers I've seen where, you know, people's offices get taken over by filing cabinets.
And, you know, you know, post COVID, people are starting to go back into the office a lot more, and that office space is is important.
So that makes sense.
Yep. Have you seen any financial savings beyond just time?
Our biggest one, I think I've mentioned is payment discounts.
Oh. We we saved over seventy thousand just from the first I mean, that alone and and missed payment discounts from one year to the next, from twenty twenty three to twenty twenty four, like, switching. Like, last year, we only had missed eleven thousand, whereas the year before, we missed eighty one. So that alone right there is, like, a big difference, you know, not on top of, like, paper and all the rest of it.
But, so that's been kinda nice. Like, just saving it. Not even including less labor time. You know?
So Yep.
That's, that's definitely a hard savings, not just a soft cost, right, of, hey. I have more time. So that that's great to hear.
Mhmm. Yes.
How has having digital access to documents helped your team work better across different locations?
Then the nice thing is is we can get the answer right then and there.
For example, like, I do something, and one of the things I do is balance our route truck, the transfer account.
And before I have to wait and say, oh, this branch received five, but this branch invoice for four or, you know, some of those kind of questions. Now I click in the purchase order, the packing slip information.
I can see if the delivery ticket went out properly or, you know, even from a vendor perspective. You can review right then and there, and you don't have to wait for someone, to reply to your email. You don't have to call someone on the phone anymore. You can find some of the answers so that you can move things down the line.
And so it's kinda nice.
I don't have to wait for people because I'm an impatient person, and I don't wanna have to I just wanna get things done when I'm doing them. And so I can just move things down the line because all of the information is right there in the purchase order.
Yeah. That's that's awesome. I think, having reporting involved with pending items is important, but also that doc storage button and agility to instantly retrieve a document is is really, really handy.
Yep. I know I always refer to it as, like, single call resolution.
So for example, if a customer of yours calls and says, hey. I never got this delivery, and you wanna pull up the signed proof of delivery ticket, and you click that button, and then you can email it out directly, and then the call is done. Not having to, hey. I'll call you back, go over to the filing cabinet, find it, pull it back, make a copy, then go back and file it again.
So And I don't know if, like, a lot of companies one of the things, we the branches that had all mails, never filed.
I can tell you.
Oh, yeah.
Their filing would be probably all year until they like, maybe December, it would be stacked up. So you couldn't even go to the filing cabinet because they just never filed the paperwork. So that was a frustrating thing also, is that there was no sense in looking for something because you have a huge staff to go through.
So Yeah.
Makes sense. Yeah.
Well, let's move on to, oh, there is a slide here, and, Tina has been very gracious about sharing kind of what you know, even hard numbers on what she's, seen. So we kinda put this on the slide just to show, you know, the difference in discounts missed.
Also, I think one of the big things is just the four full time employees reallocated.
You know, implementing a solution like this, people ask, well, how what what does it, you know, do for you? It really doubles the output of invoices an AP clerk can process. So, if you're thinking of, hey. We wanna maybe our AP is decentralized and we wanna centralize it.
This is a great tool for that. Or, hey. Maybe our, in our summer months, we're getting really busy and having to hire, temp help to help or grab people from other departments. This would be a great thing to help.
Or if you're growing, and not having to add full time employees for the additional volume you're dealing with. So this was very helpful, and, yeah, it's, truly a a a great change, the additional workflow.
Yeah. I never have to miss and help AP anymore. I mean, I spent so much of my time. Even though my job role changed, I still was pulled back in. So it's been kinda nice. I don't have to worry about it anymore.
Well, I think we're cutting to the last section here, the lessons learned and looking ahead. So what has been the biggest improvement since switching to WorldView?
I would say probably I mean, we know the money, but the morale, like, the frustrations that people felt.
No one's complaining about, this anymore. It was such a big deal. It was, like, a constant complaint, and I had to hear a lot of the complaints. And because it was a people problem, we've taken that out of the equation now. You know, the system is doing fixing the helping us fix those problems, helping us communicate because you can communicate right there in the AP workflow. We can type notes to each other.
So it's kind of eliminated that frustration that we have with each other.
So, I mean, I would say the morale overall in regards to this is I mean, within, you know, a couple months, it would just improve so much. So it's kinda nice, not having to, like, fight those battles those people battles anymore. So that's probably, to me, the biggest improvement.
That's great. I know when I'm working out with a customer and deploying a project like this, so we start talking about, hey. We wanna get your buyers involved and have them use the system. And there's always that change management discussion we have to have of who's gonna, not like it versus who's it like to.
But it's nice to see when people are like, oh, it is that easy. So that's that's good to hear.
You know, if another company is nervous about moving away from paper and going digital, what would you tell them?
Well, I mean, like I was saying, it it's daunting at first because change is hard. We all know that. But the pros were pretty much undeniable.
You'll save money on labor, storage costs, supplies, finance charges, maybe, late fees.
You'll increase productivity, employee morale.
You're gonna save space because you won't need that anymore, you know, for all of your file cabinets. And information sharing is amazing. Like, that's, like, one of the biggest things because we all want information at our fingertips now. We're so used to going to our phones, pulling up whatever.
Now you can actually use agility, which we've all been, you know, to do that same thing.
So sharing that information, sharing emails all in one place as opposed to ten different people's email inboxes or text messages.
It's just nice to have it all centralized.
Yeah. That makes makes a lot of sense. Yeah.
So what's next for Roofers Mart in terms of how you manage business operations?
One of the projects we're working on now, which is kind of told you a little bit about this too, we're looking for sales order automation. With discovering this accounting automation, it's kind of made, our president look into, well, what can we do with sales orders? So we're kinda looking at, on on that side of it, which is extremely hard because, you know, you have thousands of customers who have different order forms and send their orders in, differently and call the same item, thirty different things. So we're working on that. That's kind of one of our challenges right now that we're working on, but I'm assuming someday that that can happen.
Yep. And, yeah. And we have talked I've talked to a couple of their, partners about that as well. And that's something we're kind of have on our radar. But, hopefully, someday, we will get into that.
And then this is kind of a recap of, you know, what you were saying there, Tina, and we appreciate that information you're giving us and the time you're giving us as well and being a a great partner, and, we really appreciate that.
I guess, thanks everyone for for attending. I don't know if we have any questions, Chelsey, or anything like that. There probably isn't. We did such a good job of explaining.
We do have some questions.
And if anybody has other questions that they'd like to ask, you can throw them in the chat and they'll pop up and I can ask them to Roger and Tina. So, the first one that I'm seeing is what advice would you give to companies' leadership teams that are hesitant to switch to AP automation?
So, yeah, one of the things I it took me two years, just so you guys know. It took me two years to get my executive team. I mean, I I tried so many different ways. I talked about saving trees.
I talked about, like I tried different approaches to try to get them, on board. And when it came down to it, it was the missed payment. It was the financial side of it. It was the I don't know if you guys are missing payment discounts or if you're getting finance charges, if you're having to hire more people.
To me, that was what finally got them. I mean, all the other benefits are there, but if you can figure out a way, try get those numbers in place. So if you're approaching your president, just think of the cost savings alone. I mean, some of it, you won't even be able to put into dollars, but you will notice a big difference. So I would say the financial side.
And we actually have, a calculator that I will send out when I send out this recording that you can put in a few numbers and it can, calculate what you'll save with WorldView AP Automation.
So that would be helpful if you are looking to make a switch and don't have those numbers ready to go.
What about so how does automation impact vendors and suppliers? Do they need to change anything on their end?
Other than, like, trying to, get as many vendors as you can to send in, to an email shared mailbox, that would be the only thing different on your vendor side. You know? I mean, if not, they if they still mail, you can scan them in, but the OCR isn't gonna read them quite as well as when you have the digital, like, PDF copy. So that'd be the only thing really with vendors is as many as you can get them switched over.
Yeah. And most people are probably good at that from a vendor perspective, but you might have some stragglers out there. But as it's funny when you go and say, hey, vendor x y z, send it this way. We're going we're adding a new automation solution, and it'll just make things go faster.
That usually gives them some, input or motivation to do that. Yeah. I would also say things that go along with this process too would be, like, EDI invoices. Like, you know, how many vendors are going through EDI, and maybe we wanna look at that from a volume perspective.
So something to think about.
Okay. Another one here. Have you noticed better fraud prevention and fewer payment duplications?
Yeah. I mean, which that was one of the things before, because we had hired so many different people. We had so many duplications because five different people would enter like, maybe there's a suffix on an invoice, like a dash zero zero one. One person would put it, another person wouldn't put it, so then we could duplicate payments to vendors.
When you only have, like, one or two people and the system is pulling that information, you're the chance for duplication, like, I don't even know if we are duplicating payments. I if we are, no one's mentioned it. I don't think it's a problem any anymore, but it was a problem there. We have vendors that were like, wait a second.
You already paid us for this. And it was all because you have a human being entering that invoice number, and they may enter it, type wrong, whatever. When you use the OCR, it's just grabbing it, directly from the document. No one's typing that in.
So and then in regards to fraud, we didn't really have who we had a lot of checks and balances in regards to fraud already, luckily. So I don't know if that's changed, but, you know, but definitely the duplication.
Love that it's a nonissue. You haven't even thought about it.
Yeah. Exactly.
Okay. One last one for you. As our business scales, how does automation handle a growing volume of invoices and approvals?
Exactly the same. I mean, honestly, that it gives you that opportunity to, to grow without thinking about it. You don't have to add another person.
As before, as we grew because we when I started, we had five branches. Now we have eight or soon to be nine.
We had to keep adding people on to handle the volume of invoices.
This is exactly the same no matter whether it's gonna take the same amount of time, whether it's a a hundred invoices or a thousand invoices.
You know, so you really don't even have to think about growth. It makes it easy.
Yeah. It really gives you the opportunity to scale without adding in those extra costs of employees, which just helps your bottom line so much more.
Correct. Perfect. K.
So those are all the questions I see popping up. We will send out a recording of this afterwards. And like I said, I will link in that the, the calculator, so you guys can play around with it.
Thank you so much, Tina, for joining us. We really appreciate your partnership, and the time today.
So You are welcome.
I and like I said, I always love talking about it because it it's one of those projects that I worked on over the years that has a big impact on our company. So I think it's worth it, definitely.
Awesome. Alright. Well, have a great day, everyone. Alright. See you guys. Bye. Thank you. Bye bye.