A Simple and Efficient Way to Fulfill Medical Record Requests
Quickly and easily fulfill medical record requests by creating a HIPAA compliant centralized space to track and manage information. During this webinar, we covered how your home health or hospice agency can search for documents internally or externally sourced and properly assign requests based on type and department. With WorldView, gain full visibility into the progress of your requests and complete the process stress-free.
Hello, and welcome, everybody, to WorldView's a simple and efficient way to fulfill medical records request. I'm gonna go ahead and get started.
You guys may notice that, your lines are muted. So if you have, any questions, there's a q and a section as part of the Zoom, toolbar that you can use to submit questions during the webinar.
If we don't get to your question as part of the webinar, we'll always be able to use that to follow-up. So feel free to submit any questions throughout the webinar. And if we have time, we'll be able to get to that at the very end. If not, we'll follow-up.
We also will be recording this webinar. So anyone that wasn't able to attend attend from your agency, will be able to send that out after, this is completed, and then you can pass that along.
Okay. So the whole goal of our webinar today, I'm gonna go through and I'm gonna do a little bit of an introduction, of myself. I'll spend a little bit of time talking about who WorldView is, for those of you who are not familiar with with our agency or with our our organization, and then we'll do an overview of the medical record solution that we're focusing on.
I'll jump into a live demo, at the end, and we should get done, potentially a little bit earlier than the half hour mark at the end of, eleven thirty here.
Who is WorldView
first, I wanna talk about who WorldView is. And, again, that's for anyone that's not familiar with with WorldView.
We are a, document management provider that helps businesses achieve greater efficiency and productivity.
We also maintain high levels of, service, and we do that through our commitment to providing that content management solution to our our, agencies that we work with. We automate solutions, as part of that. And so our three core functions, involve those strong partnerships and helping provide, strong ROI or return on investment to our agencies that we work with. And we also focus on a white glove, service and, treatment.
So what does that mean? In a nutshell, we provide ourselves, we provide we pride ourselves on the relationships that we create with our agencies.
And rather than thinking of our clients as customers, we work to build partnerships, throughout.
And we try to get the most out of what we offer. So we essentially are trying to allow our customers, through the services and through the automation that we provide to get the most out of our solution and and essentially have the best experience that they can.
So, again, I'm gonna talk a little bit about how we do that. And, you know, I think the main takeaways that WorldView offers, with our integration into EMR's platforms is we make the intake teams, quite a bit more efficient. We also focus on that order turnaround time. And so, we try to help improve cash flow by doing that.
We also focus on document process automation. And so the time that it takes to process those documents and those medical records into the EMR platform is reduced significantly, through our platform.
What I'm
What are Medical Record Requests
gonna focus on today is our medical records request solution.
And so, you know, one of the aspects that we do is, focus on the medical record, the medical record request, background.
And so in a nutshell, you know, that involves those HIPAA requests that could be coming in, for audit purposes, that could be coming in from a legal standpoint, or those, medical records requests could be coming in from payers as well.
And in the cases of, those requests, you know, usually, we have agencies that are managing those, and there's missing information from those requests.
There could be issues with the medical record themselves, and that reason is sometimes hard to manage. So we have a lot of agencies that we work with that, are managing these through spreadsheets where they have individuals that are tracking these, in their calendar and, you know, reaching out to different departments to help track those requests.
Our goal and our solution essentially centralizes that system, and it takes it out of the spreadsheet and out of email threads and puts it into a centralized system that helps you manage and track and audit the entire process from beginning to end.
Some of the benefits would include, you know, simplifying those those requests, and the entry around those where it would be potentially a spreadsheet, you know, or or notepad today.
Those can be streamlined and and entered into our platform and then assigned out accordingly. So whether your organization is large or whether it's small, you can configure our system to notify individuals of any assigned work or you can assign different tasks to different departments if you're looking for different documentation.
And you can also track at each step.
Excuse me. So I do wanna give an example.
We had excuse me.
We had a couple agencies that actually tracked and projected out the number of of payments or improper payments essentially by the type of error that the payers provide in those medical records requests. So in that example, they were actually looking at the top denials and the reasons for those, the description around those denials.
And through tracking that, they actually found that it was nearly sixteen percent of all of their revenue, the the entire revenue around their agency was getting auto denied, and it was from these requested records, not being submitted. So, essentially, they they were submitting incomplete records, and not getting payment, as a result.
And so depending again on on the size of your agency, sixteen percent of all revenue could be a a massive amount of revenue that could be lost if, these are not tracked and managed and, and disputed.
So let me
Live Demo!
dive now into our demo platform, kinda show you how it works.
And I will say, to give you kind of a little bit of a background on how this this, starts, you you can actually submit a form, publicly and actually get information that's filled out and submitted publicly. So if there is a request from a payer or from, someone that is looking for HIPAA information, you have the ability to present an external form publicly, and that can actually kick off one of these requests, and initiate the entire process.
We also have ways for you to go out and grab, requests from the payer directly. So if you're going out to different payer sites, that contain these requests, or the denial info, then you can, upload or import that information directly to kick off that process.
For those of you that are familiar with WorldView, you'll notice that this is similar to the interface that that we have for the rest of the solution.
I'm just showing you my personal page, which is just showing the requests that are out there, already in the system. So it's really quick for me to see that I have multiple requests that are outstanding for the entire agency.
I can also drill directly into just my request, requests that are assigned to me.
And then I can also see the tasks associated with those requests, so I can jump right into the work that I need to do.
So to give you an an even kinda more eagle eye view over the requests that are in our system, we have ways for you to report on that, and and it's in real time.
So you can see here, I've got just a quick view showing you the payer source, how many requests are outstanding, and, the stage that it's in or the status that it's in with the medical records request review and submission process.
So this gives me a great kind of bird's eye view if I wanna be able to go in there and start prioritizing based on the payer or maybe based on the stage that it's in to be able to complete those requests.
And then I can also quickly see, you know, again, if I wanted to change, from request status to maybe I wanna look at the amount denied per, payer, for example. This is all real time data that I'm able to switch, back and forth from, again, just so I could prioritize my work, accordingly.
The views for the request themselves is pretty familiar.
So, again, if you're working through a spreadsheet today, this is gonna act very similar to your spreadsheet type style where every single line that you see here actually represents a different request that's been submitted or filled out.
Just like a spreadsheet, if I'm able to, filter by, different columns, that's very quick and easy to do. So in this case, if I wanna look at just those requests that are submitted by payers versus HIPAA requests, and I wanna look at anything that's new, it's very simple for me to get to the request that I need.
And then, likewise, if you guys have multiple individuals that are dealing with or working these requests as they come in, you can have different requests that are assigned. And so it's very easy for me to just jump to my my assigned requests and filter that way as well.
Jumping into requests, I'm gonna kinda walk you through how the request is filled out. And so one thing that stands out right away is your ability to, see which stage it is in in the process. And so you can see this menu at the top that shows you exactly which stage that corresponds to the status of the request itself.
So all of this information would be filled out in, when the request is completed or or initiated.
And if I wanted to move it to the next stage, you know, it's just as simple as moving it, to the next stage or clicking this button here. But in the initial stage, really, I'm just gathering the information I have on the reason that it was denied, the date that it's created, and, you know, the due date, is gonna be an important field so that I can track exactly when I need to be able to get this, resubmitted.
On the collect collection stage is it's more where you're awaiting fulfillment.
There's maybe some more information that needs to be gathered, and this form will be filled out in more detail, through those stages, through the collection stage.
The review stage is making sure that you've done your internal review, anything that's submitted, if you have other departments that you work with to make sure that you have the correct information.
And it's really the final finalization stage before it's resubmitted back to the payer in this case.
After it's submitted to the payer, then it would go to the reception stage where it's awaiting response. And you have the packet of information that has been turned in as part of this process, and it's been submitted. And so that reception, stage is really just making sure that we're getting a response back from the payer.
And then last but not least, it's the completed stage. You're done.
The request is completed. You're able to fill out the final notes and the final determination on that request. And then this record, would live, in a in a in our system where you're able to go back and audit it and look at any information you need from it.
So that's at a very high level, how these forms work.
Now, you know, filling out the information on the form is also very simplistic.
We've made that, a lot easier because of the way that we're able to integrate into your into your platform. We can pull data in so that you're not having to hand key or fill in all of that information.
So if I wanna select a different payer source, I can do that with just a simple lookup.
And then I can also jump down, and if it's, if I wanted to look up And then I can also jump down, and if it's, if I wanted to look up a specific patient, it's very easy for me to just type the patient name and then hit tab to do a quick lookup.
So if I wanted to change it from Alice to Alex, it's really simple for me to do that with the click of a button.
That fills in all of his, demographic information, everything associated with that episode as well.
And then you can see here, I've got the record section. So I'm gonna talk a little bit more about the menu on the left side that's associated with each record.
So records is, kind of the bread and butter of of what we're doing. So this form is to fill out the information, and that's gonna help you make better decisions on, you know, denial amounts, or the amounts that you can switch on the fly, the reason for denial, due dates, like I mentioned. But the records themselves are what you're going to be gathering in our system so that you can resubmit that.
So the record section down below here is going to track all of that information associated with the macro record, and you can go out and grab that from other platforms or other systems. In most cases, your EMR is your system of record where you're gonna be finding a lot of that documentation.
Uploading a record is, as simple as a a button click here. So I've already got the information associated with this request.
All I need to do is go out and grab that record, And I can drag it in. I can go out and browse to a different record, and then I would import that into the system.
So in this case, I'm not gonna save that. Just don't want any junk data in my system. But that upload would actually go into this record, which allows you to include that in the packet when you ultimately generate that and send that off to the payer.
The audit menu, we actually have a couple use cases for this. So we had, at one point, an agency that actually was, typing the adjustments essentially into their EMR. And So those adjustments on those claims when they came back for that the final determination, were being entered into a spreadsheet as well to be able to track those.
And it made it really cumbersome. Essentially, there was mistakes that are made on the, you know, amount paid or the adjustment amounts in the balance of the final invoice.
And so they went through and actually audited that process, which, took quite a bit of time again for them, which was which was pretty cumbersome.
So we've been able to work with, this agency, and and, they pull information directly from the EMR on those adjustments. And so we're able to import that into our system. So if they ever need to go through and do an audit, on the invoices based on the audit date that they enter in on this section, it'll quickly pull up all that info invoice information and show them the adjustments associated with it so that they don't have to type it twice or they don't have to go back and forth into different systems and and risk making a mistake.
And when you're talking about a lot of medical records and a lot of, dollars and cents, that can, make a a really big difference in in revenue.
The tasks, I've, mentioned that you can assign tasks as part of the the medical records process. So each record has the ability for you to sign or or assign or set up different, tasks that you can work with different, individuals within your department. So if you're responsible for tracking these requests, you're often working with different departments to follow-up on them and get the information that you need. So it's really easy to do that within this system where you can assign a task out. And in in some cases, those tasks can also be set up to notify those individuals, when that task is due.
In this case, you know, if the task is assigned to me, I can quickly jump to the request and see that.
Likewise, there's a view I'm gonna jump to real quick that shows you when I come in every day, I have the ability to jump to and see all of the requests on the calendar. So those tasks that I create will go on to my calendar where I can see I've got follow-up with insurance admin due today, and I've got one request due today and one due tomorrow. And that's associated with those due dates for the request and the task, so it's really easy to track what's coming up so you don't miss any dates.
We also so, again, we have a section for notes, and the goal here is that everything is contained within the system. You don't have to jump around to ten different systems to track notes or sticky notes or miss things along the way. Everything's tied to these records, and so you have the ability to create and add your own notes to each request.
And then I've already mentioned, you know, last but not least, the final step is submitting that and getting the response back from your provider. And so you can see here that you can actually enter in the decision state, whether it's full denial or paid, partially, the reason associated with that, and the amount that was ultimately still denied.
And those can be used to track throughout the process.
But it it's also used on the back end where you're trying to determine, you know, how to make decisions on some of these payers.
The denial counts by payer type can be a big factor in deciding, you know, do we need to focus on a specific payer, or is there training potentially that we need for the clinicians to make sure that we're getting all the documentation that we need so that it doesn't become denied.
So once you have all of the records that you need for this, you can actually generate that packet.
And so packet generation is done from the records field where you can actually build a table of contents associated with that automatically, and then you can upload any of those documents that you already had associated with the record.
You can move those around or or change those along the way as well.
But I'm just gonna show you a quick preview of that packet that's generated out of it.
And so you can see here, it's just automatically generated that, table of contents, which I can click to really quickly and then do a a last review of the documents before I print them. You can print them from our system and mail cure courier that, to the payer, or, you may wanna fax that out, or maybe you have to save the file and upload that back into the payer system.
It's very flexible. And so once you have that, final packet, then you you have the ability to to submit that however you need to.
We also have another cool feature that, you can do directly from our system is the ability to compose documents and pull data from the record itself into that, template or into that document. So in a lot of cases, we have agencies that maybe they need to, dispute the the denial, and they're actually sending an audit letter. So the reason for denial is, included in that audit letter.
And they're able to make their case, type it out, and save it, and then print it, from the system and submit it back to the payer in that case.
And so this can also be something that's included in the documents or in the records that are part of that generated packet that is sent to the the payer, for dispute.
So the last thing I wanted to show, once this process is complete, we have all of that information in our system.
And I mentioned already that that can be very powerful in making decisions. It's we have a lot of agencies today that, they make their adjustments to the MR, platform, and, those adjustments are are then put back into that audit information.
But you can really quickly see here in this report, that that you can track very quickly the number of of claims that were denied by provider.
And you can break that down further by the reason as well.
So if you wanted to use this information to start making some better decisions, you know, this is gonna tell you based on the reasons that you guys are getting denied, maybe there is some more training that needs to be done on the clinical side before that becomes a denial in the first place.
Or maybe this will tell you that there's certain providers like, Humana here that requests a lot of, of records, but the denial amount, doesn't end up being quite a bit. So you can maybe focus more on who's denying the most, and you can put more, resource or time or effort onto those specific payers.
You know, in some cases, we have, a lot of agencies that they're getting to the point where the bigger you get, the more patients you take on, the more requests you're ultimately going to receive.
And so this is a great way to be able to track that and manage that payroll or that time that you're gonna be putting against it. And in most cases, this can be a way to take that cumbersome, potentially cumbersome process you have today and prevent having to hire on another full time employee just to track and manage this process because, again, that impact, you know, most most of those denials, I mentioned that sixteen percent of the revenue, that was denied.
Most of those denials actually came from nonresponse, from the payer. So it's really easy to recoup that just by tracking and managing those requests, and reaching out to the payer and, you know, disputing it. So, you know, I hope that that at least, can ring true for for your agency. Maybe you have a way to track this today. Maybe it, is something that you're pretty comfortable with. But this prevents you from having to go to different systems, and it can keep everything all in the forefront for you to be able to track and manage that process and ideally, be able to dispute these claims by pulling in records and and organizing, the process.
So that concludes the webinar today.
I do appreciate everybody's time in joining me today.
I will follow-up on any questions that you guys, have or submit.
If you didn't submit any as part of the webinar today, feel free to, give us an email.
Here's my contact information.
Contact Information
If you wanted to reach us or if you wanna connect after the fact, just feel free to reach out, and we will go into more detail on how you guys do it today and, hopefully, figure out a process to to improve it. So thanks again, and have a good rest of your day.
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Why WorldView for Healthcare?
There are two main reasons healthcare professionals choose WorldView: to grow their business without having to hire more people, or to free up the time demands of current employees. One employee alone can manage up to 1,000 patient medical records with our highly configurable and customized solutions. With our automated features, we can help eliminate hands-on tasks to maximize efficiency in the workplace.