
Target Market Focus
Building Material Suppliers


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Key Benefits


Import documents from within Agility by clicking on the DocDrop button and selecting the appropriate Document Type.


Instantly view documents from within Agility using the DocPop button on over 20 screens. Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Quotes, General Ledger and other screens are available.

Auto Fill Keyword Sets (AFKS)

The database connection to automatically pull keyword information from within Agility and attribute to your documents.

Agility Invoice API

Automatically create vouchers in Agility straight from an AP Approval Workflow.

COLD Processing

Automatically capture and index electronic documents that are created in Agility. This tool instantly stores documentation for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Month End Report Documents.

Scan Capture

Capture digital and paper content from high-speed scanners, MFPs, mobile devices, forms, databases and applications

Reporting Tools

Gain transparency & peace of mind with real-time dashboards that simplify complex data and drill down into specific business analysis

Outlook Integration

Interact with OnBase through a familiar Outlook interface and provide multiple methods for importing attachments


Standardize forms and set up automated processes for appropriate document approval tracking