How a Home Health Agency Simplified Orders and Accelerated Response Times with One Seamless Integration
The teams at Axxess and WorldView are dedicated to achieving results and creating business impact for their clients. Discover how this collaboration has enabled Boston Home Health Aides to optimize processes, making order management simpler and enhancing both response times and compliance.
Welcome everybody to the, webinar, co hosted by WorldView and Axxess, with a special guest from Boston Home Health Aides.
This is how, home health agencies simplified the orders and accelerated their response times with one seamless integration.
So first, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Nolan Craig, sales executive at WorldView.
I also have Laura Barnett with me. She's the VP of operability and sales, at Axxess. And then we have Jason Gauthier, who's the assistant administrator and also the operations manager at Boston Home Health Aides.
So welcome, again, to, Laura and and Jason as well.
What we're gonna do as part of this, webinar is we're going to first start with, Jason's gonna tell us a little bit about Boston Home Health's experience, with WorldView and, bringing them on to their Axxess platform.
Then we're gonna jump in. Laura's gonna tell us a little bit about Axxess for those of you who don't know, and then I will give a brief overview of WorldView as well, listing some of the major benefits and, reasons that you would, move forward with our platform.
Again, we'll save some questions for the end, so feel free to use that panel on the right hand side. You'll also notice we have, the PowerPoint deck as a handout in the handout section Alright. So first, again, let's jump in, and I wanna introduce, Jason again. And, Jason, why don't you share a little bit about your experience at Boston Home Health Aides and and what brought you to, adopt WorldView and the Axxess platform.
BHHA's Experience using WorldView and Axxess
Thank you very much, Nolan. I just wanna say good morning, Laura and Nolan. Thank you for giving me the opportunity, to speak about the software.
So as far as the experience went, both WorldView and Axxess were extremely responsive during the implementation process.
Once the contracts were signed for the service implementation, meetings were scheduled shortly thereafter, and WorldView assigned us a three person team, to guide us through the implementation process.
After an initial discovery meeting was held, the implementation team got to work in recognizing our specific needs, in customizing the WorldView system to account for our processes.
WorldView and Axxess both coordinated a go live date, and WorldView handled, the switching over of our electronic fax accounts, to their system, and it was completely seamless.
No disruptions whatsoever.
WorldView provided personalized training, which occurred before the go live date on the operation of the software, with all the necessary operational knowledge provided, and they also offered plenty of time for our additional questions and concerns and to make sure that we were, fully trained on the operation of the software.
WorldView also provided recorded video of the training for onboarding of future operators, which was great.
Once the system became active, we were trained and ready to go, and everything just worked, you know, seamlessly.
We're now able to clear our orders to be sent queue and Axxessed daily, with orders being sent to the providers much faster.
They are, more relevant to the time period, and we've seen an increase in timely return documentation.
Also, the time saved in actually faxing and tracking, has allowed us to recoup that time to be used for the recovery of orders, that are not being returned for many various reasons, such as changing providers, changing fax numbers, or other issues which would keep a provider from signing our orders.
The improved process has also eliminated human error, which can occur when manually uploading the documentation back to Axxess, such as uploading the documentation to the wrong task or even to the patient charts, which has been a problem in the past, which no longer is a problem with with WorldView, doing all the work for us.
On average, we fax about two to three hundred orders per week, year to date. We faxed over eleven k.
Our signed order compliance, as of, today, year to date is eighty two percent.
This system has detailed reporting functionality, which lets you parse and drill down through the information, to make determinations, such as, you know, returned signed order statistics by providers.
We can identify physicians who return on the first fax, through four or additional faxes, which lets us focus our marketing and recovery efforts to target noncompliant providers, with the necessary education, and to help us build a better relationship with them.
It also lets us age our outstanding orders to make it easy to prioritize recovery activities and, sort by outstanding order types such as, you know, the the, individual order types such as physician orders, plans of care, summaries. We can sort by provider or by patient.
And then, additionally, all of this information can be exported to Excel, for additional data model modeling, where needed. So it's really, helped us, turn this process around a hundred percent, and we went from, somewhere between a forty percent compliance rate to less less than forty percent on our quarterly clinical record reviews on average to the point that we're over eighty two percent.
We're already seeing the fruits of this turnaround on Medicare ADR audits and Medicaid third party liability audits. You know, orders in the charts are no longer an issue for us, so it's really, helped streamline this. And, you know, being a smaller home health agency with a smaller administrative staff, this has freed up our staff to focus on recovery, of orders that aren't coming back as well as other administrative processes, that need to take place on a daily basis. So it's definitely taken a lot of work off of our hands.
It's like having additional employees work for you.
That's awesome. Great. Thank you, Jason, for sharing that with us.
Let's talk a little bit let's transition a little bit to Axxess and the Axxess ecosystem.
Laura, if you're able to jump in here and give us a little bit of an overview.
Overview of Axxess
Thanks, Nolan, and thanks, Jason. Delighted to be here with you guys today. Just to give you kind of a a paint a picture of what Axxess is and what Axxess offers.
Obviously, we, have a huge ecosystem which includes, at its core, our EMR platform, so our home health solution, our home care solution, our hospice, and now our palliative solution as well.
Additionally, we also offer patient engagement services. So, you know, when you hit that sixty patient census mark, you by Medicare requirement, you're gonna be, surveying those patients and assessing the quality of your care. So we provide that as well.
From an interoperability perspective, and certainly, I know we don't have a ton of time to talk about this today, but, I'll dive in just a little bit because that's kind of the root of today's conversation.
We focus our interoperability solutions around a clinical bucket, around an operational bucket, which certainly is where WorldView sits, as well as, financial tools. And in addition, we also have hospice hospice tools as well. We also have a patient and family portal. We have our staffing and scheduling solution, which you may have heard about called AxxessCare, which essentially is sort of, an Uber or a Lyft of home health. Organizations that have home health visits that need to be filled can post those to a platform.
Clinicians can then apply for those visits. You can select which clinician you'd like to work with, and, therefore, you're able to maintain those referral sources or get those visits covered and avoid lupus in the process, which we all know we wanna be doing.
From a mobile perspective, we have device agnostic mobile apps. So that means that it's gonna work on your Apple phone. It's gonna work on your Samsung phone, etcetera. Regardless of what kind of operating system you have, our apps will be supported on that. So from a point of care perspective, you're able to go into the home and do your documentation on your phone, super easy, super simple, and you can focus more on the patient as opposed to hauling in a laptop.
We also have electronic visit verification, which we know is crucial these days, as well as offline capability. So if you're out in a rural area, we're able to, capture that documentation that you're working on. And then as soon as you're back into an area that has cell service, we're gonna pull that information from you. You don't have to force sync.
From a revenue cycle management perspective, we offer billing services, Medicare. We work with all payers. And in fact, we're one of very few organizations that is a network service vendor and we're the service vendor. You're not gonna have to go house first and then go to Medicare later.
So we're gonna expedite that process, which is important for your cash flow.
From a business intelligence perspective, we offer a data warehouse filled with dashboards, which provide you insights into your organization's growth. We also have a user community, kind of a Facebook for our users, essentially, but it's a a community where you can share best practices, ask questions, get tips. And then one of our newest offerings is our certification program. We know that training and education is a huge part of addressing some of the staffing concerns that are, really top of mind for a lot of organizations, and the Axxess certification program provides training not only in Axxess solutions, but in industry solutions overall.
So a big look at this ecosystem, a very brief look certainly, but, we want to be able to be the solution that you're gonna log in to first thing in the morning, and you're gonna be able to stay there all day and log out at the end of your shift, whenever that may be. But we wanna make sure that we're giving you everything that you need in a one stop shop. So we're really delighted to be able to partner with WorldView and create, a great integrated platform for you and delighted to work with Jason and his organization and many, many others, who are seeing the tremendous value of having WorldView's capabilities integrated with Axxess.
Wonderful. Wonderful. Yeah. There's a lot packed into that, deck, but appreciate you walking us through that, Aura.
Overview of WorldView
I wanna I wanna talk a little bit about WorldView and who we are essentially. You know, what we do as a business is we actually help other businesses achieve their efficiency and achieve their, highest levels of productivity.
And we do that while trying to maintain the highest levels of service. We always like to, look back and reflect on the gold standard of service that we've had throughout the years. And we've actually been a company for over a couple decades now, believe it or not. And, one of the the things that we do you know, we've got these core focuses that I've got on the left hand slide here.
We essentially like to to think of our clients as, partners, and we do that at the very beginning stages when we first, work with with any of you.
We'll try to understand your business, and we'll take a consultative approach, to making sure that, we know what you do and how you operate and if there's, opportunities for us to to jump in and help you guys make yourselves more efficient.
We're a document automation platform, and so we're really focused on that return, return on investment and essentially helping you guys achieve your greatest, success out of our system.
So even as we pass the the solution that we've designed onto our, implementation team.
I think Jason mentioned a few times how well our implementation team does, understanding and deep diving what you do as a as a business so that we can jump in, and and we'll make the recommended configurations based off of what we think you'd, see the best results out of.
That carries into our, customer service as well. You know, beyond the implementation and beyond the initial, push, he mentioned training for you. And that's one of the biggest, core values that we have is being able to kinda use that white glove, service and white glove treatment to make sure that you're you're understanding the solution and your team is understanding the solution as as as well as possible. If you don't understand it, you're just not gonna use it to its its best capacity.
So how we do all that or what we actually do, I wanna dive into a little bit more.
One Seamless Integration
So, Laura mentioned, you know, we've got that operability or that operations, end of the interoperability, section from Axxess. And, really, what we what we like to do, with any EMR that we work with, but especially Axxess has been great at, integrating us seamlessly into their solution. And so we've got that tight integration to where we're able to pull patient data from Axxess securely, and we also pull order information from Axxess as well. And with that information, we're able to streamline the outbound process, where we're sending orders to physicians, and we're reducing that turnaround time for those orders to come back and signed.
And by automating that process, and also by keeping it consistent, making sure that nothing really drops off of your radar, we're able to get those orders back in and improve cash flow for your organization.
On the inbound side for all of those faxes and medical records, and charts, everything that needs to go into the patient's chart for Axxess, there can be a lot of documentation that's floating around.
So Jason mentioned about two hundred orders, per week to go out. Well, that's, roughly as many that will come back in plus more with any other medical record, beyond an order. And so that becomes really cumbersome to deal with and to process, for really anyone. And we're, our system helps automate a lot of that to be able to bring it in, and we can actually do some optical character recognition to read and separate those documents automatically, which is usually something that needs to be done a little bit more manually.
So we're reducing the amount of time that it takes for, your individuals to bring those into the, Axxess chart, from about two to three minutes on average to down to about ten seconds on average, which you can see. And Jason mentioned that really big savings that you'll see on time from our system as well.
Now we have organizations today that, have been able to reduce the amount of of full time staff that they have focused on the document management and, medical records processes from about, down to about seven hundred and fifty, patients to one full time employee.
So as you can see, you know, there's a lot of efficiency that you can gain from this. And if you're really, focused on productivity, if you're really, tightening up and in a lot of cases, you're working on growing your clinical staff rather than your admin staff, then that's where WorldView can can help out, quite a bit.
I mentioned already the inbound side, and also physician orders.
We also have a mobile application that deals with the documentation aspects of of what, your, nurses or or clinicians would do out in the field. And so being able to bring back documentation, and process that and associate that with the patient, record, we're able to do. We also have wound, capture functionality and wound measurement functionality within that.
And then a lot of, a lot of, agencies that we work with actually use a secure messaging platform, that's separate from all of this. We've actually been able to bring that into our tool so that you can kinda use us as a one stop shop and, not have to deal with all the other, vendors that are out there that offer that type of functionality.
Most recently, we've actually, built out a medical records request workflow, that deals with bringing back those, payer requests or denials, or HIPAA requests, and tracking those outside of a spreadsheet, or a notepad, like we've seen with a lot of other agencies. So if you haven't checked out our medical records, webinar yet, that we've got that out there as well. Please do reach out, and we'd love to talk to you about that a little bit more.
Beyond that, I wanted to, open up the the floor a little bit and see if we've got any questions from the group. Now would be a great time to pose those to us. And if you, feel like you don't want them asked on on the webinar here, you know, feel free to reach out to us directly as well. I've got some contact information on the next slide.
I'm not seeing any in the chat box at the moment, that folks may still be thinking and typing.
Questions from the Audience
I've got a couple here that I, that I have for Jason, actually. Jason, what were the pain points that drove you to seek out a content management solution?
Well, it was just a very cumbersome process. Even if you're using an electronic fax system such as, fax through email as opposed to, you know, physically running paper through a fax machine.
You would still have to download the documentation from Axxess, drag and drop it into an email, type out an email fax cover, or use an email template.
We created a spreadsheet whereas we were faxing plans of care and, payer specific documentation, where we were noting, you know, the person that faxed it out, the date of the fax. You know, there were calculations on the sheet to track the age of the documentation.
So just getting them out the door, was a cumbersome process that, you know, we could never keep the the queue, clear on a daily basis. You know, if we if we were able to get a hundred a hundred out a day, you know, there was still two or three hundred waiting in the queue for the next day. So we were always kind of in a backlog situation, just getting them out the door. So this system allows us to send everything out simultaneously.
You know, as people that sign up for the service will come to find out, it can be configured, where the faxes can be sent out from the, you know, the the to be sent queue, or they can be sent out automatically upon QA review.
We opted for the to be sent queue so that, some admin staff could have a final look at the documentation before it goes out the door.
But, just, you know, the hours per week that were spent, you know, at least twenty plus a week, and not even, meeting the goal of of getting them all out the door on a weekly basis. I mean, that that issue is is gone.
And, again, you know, we're able to really put the focus on the ones that aren't coming back for for a myriad of reasons that are are not related to, you know, transmission issues.
A question also came in. Does WorldView work with Mac computers? So, the answer is yes. We actually do have a couple ways to Axxess WorldView, one of which is being you know, we have a client that actually has, quite a bit of functionality that's included with it, but then we also have a way to Axxess it through a web client as well. So anywhere you can Axxess, a web browser, you can actually work with WorldView.
I have another question here. I'm curious if there is a capability via WorldView via the WorldView mobile app for providers to sign orders electronically on the mobile device.
So yeah, actually, one of the functionality, pieces that we included into it was the ability to download those orders we're getting from Axxess onto the app itself before you go out to a visit. So in a lot of cases if you have, a physician, maybe like a physician relationship rep or, in some cases, you know, you're working directly with some of the, hospice MDs, you have the ability to bring that onto the tablet, whether, you know, that's an Android device or an iPhone or an iPad.
And then you can actually have the physician review those orders, directly on the iPad or or tablet and then sign off on those electronically as well. So then once they're submitted, you have the ability to attach those to the chart rather than having to deal with, you know, printing them out, bringing them back in at the end of the day, just to, again, increase that turnaround time.
I have another question here. Are the orders returned by the provider via the same system?
So, yes, we're sending them out, once we receive them from, Axxess. And then based on that cover sheet that that we configure as part of your initial implementation, they'll send it right back to that same number. We actually work on, a porting process to bring those lines into WorldView so that we're able to do that recognition, and able to do that automatic separation. So there's minimal QA that would need to be done, but we still do provide a QA queue for you to be able to check and make sure that the physician did sign it and didn't just send it back blank, or maybe they marked it up before, they sent it back. So those are steps that you can take before checking it in and then sending it over to, Axxess to the orders console.
I did have one more question here, for Jason again.
What were some of the reasons that you guys chose WorldView over maybe some other, options that you had?
Well, you know, when we started to hear about WorldView, through Axxess, they were the only company that we had heard of at that point in time.
So that peaked our in, interest in in the service.
You know, it was Axxess's advertisement, for the integration, that that really connected us with you folks.
Awesome. So can I jump in and say you're welcome at that point now?
Yes. Absolutely. Yep. We certainly appreciate it.
Well, we're delighted to be able to to bring two greater organizations together for sure.
Very much. Thank you.
Okay. And then I had another question here. This one looks like it's for, so it's just asking about what is the timeline and resources, of implementation, and what does that look like? And, Jason, you kinda hit on this a little bit, in your, in your presentation, but WorldView is, very quick to turn this around, I'd say.
We typically say it's about a four to six week implementation once we kick off.
We've got a a few different individuals that really have streamlined the process, and so we'll do a lot of discovery upfront, with your team. And, then it's all us, from that point forward, making sure that everything is set up and configured the way it needs to be.
As far as lift, from your organization just being available to that discovery, providing that feedback, providing that input, we usually, ask for about a weekly call in that four to six week period.
But then it's just a matter of making sure that we work with you guys on porting those lines over into WorldView and then setting up the the software on PCs. So it's a very easy click once type implementation, and then we'll get you into the system and logged in and and, comfortable with it before we do training.
And then you're live.
I can attest to all of that. It was a really easy implementation process, especially people that are concerned about their their fax lines. You know, WorldView handles the porting of your your company's individual fax lines right into their system, so you don't have to change numbers with your with your providers.
You know, all of those numbers can still be used. And, again, they they handled it, one hundred percent, and it went very seamless. We had no interruption of receiving, you know, faxes through our through our main line at all. It it worked out very well.
Awesome. Yeah. I'll be sure to pass that feedback on to Amy from our implementation team too.
I'm not seeing any other questions here. Laura, do you wanna double check that for me?
I happily will. I'm not seeing any. No. Okay.
Just I think we're I think we got everything answered.
Awesome. Well, that being said, I do
Contact Info
very much appreciate everybody's time today. We're gonna go ahead and end the webinar. Like I mentioned, we're going to, send the recording out once we're, done editing and then, follow-up with you guys individually as well. So if you have any other questions that maybe you didn't ask, feel free to reach out to to me.
And I hope you all have a a wonderful rest of your day.
Thanks, everybody. Thank you all.
Thank you.
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Why WorldView for Healthcare?
There are two main reasons healthcare professionals choose WorldView: to grow their business without having to hire more people, or to free up the time demands of current employees. One employee alone can manage up to 1,000 patient medical records with our highly configurable and customized solutions. With our automated features, we can help eliminate hands-on tasks to maximize efficiency in the workplace.