3 Things to Consider Why You Need to Switch to a New Healthcare Technology Now

New advances in healthcare technology can transform your staff’s ability to do their jobs and improve the quality of patient care. However, technology is constantly evolving, and you have much to consider before adopting every new technology. Here are three reasons why you need to switch vendors now rather than later. 


1. Customer Service

When you’re researching new programs, consider the vendor’s level of customer service. What kind of service are you getting with your current provider? Do you have trouble getting support techs on the phone when the system crashes? 


Without researching a vendor’s customer service levels, you may be switching from one unresponsive provider to another. Look for a company with a good reputation and experience in healthcare. Companies with a history of working within the healthcare industry understand the complexities associated with technology in this field.


Consider the company’s culture as well. Determine if they are accessible and friendly. Take note of how they answer your questions. Are you confident in their ability to handle your tech needs, or do they seem condescending? Partner with a vendor who shares your commitment to customer service.


2. Consolidated System and Long-Term Cost Savings

Using multiple systems to manage different parts of the patient cycle is inefficient and could be costing you money. Aim to work with vendors with strong partner relationships to set up a consolidated system that streamlines your team’s workflows and improves patient care. 


With a consolidated system that is easily integrated with other software, you can save money in the long term. You no longer have to upgrade and renew licenses for multiple software platforms and take on annual support costs for each program. Integrated software also makes the billing and coding process easier, helping reduce human errors and letting you process referrals and collect payments more quickly. 


Teaming with a vendor with strong partnerships helps you ensure that your new system will be compatible with systems you’re already using or find more robust solutions for systems not covered by your new tech platform. 


3. Consider Your Vendors’ Roadmap

If you’re interested in adding innovative technology to your home health care or hospice agency, look for vendors that share your dedication to innovation. If you’re not working with forward-thinking and innovative vendors for your technology, you may find yourself having to update your systems more often. 


Partnering with innovative vendors means they are likely working hard to anticipate your future needs and update their systems to provide you with solutions. Before switching to new technology, evaluate your needs and research each vendor to see how they improve their existing platforms. 


The right healthcare technology vendors will offer solutions that allow your agency to run more smoothly, letting you save money and offer better patient care.  


Take the Leap

As healthcare technology continues to improve, patients will expect higher quality patient care. If you’re using old systems, you could risk falling behind your competition. However, buying and implementing new technology can be an intimidating overhaul and does take time to adjust daily workflows. By doing your research and partnering with the right vendor, you can determine when is the right time to make a switch.

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