Going Paperless – What Are the Options?
Enhancing operations, keeping superior records, and reducing both time and costs are strong incentives to adopt a paperless approach. But what are the available paperless options? Experts from DMSi and WorldView collaborate to explore various technological solutions and strategies that have significantly boosted efficiencies for businesses aiming to eliminate paper use.
Hi. Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the webinar. Appreciate everyone joining here today. The purpose of this webinar is to discuss going paperless and what are the options.
Some brief introductions. My name is Roger Player. I'm a senior program manager here at WorldView. Also have Ashley Meintz from DMSi. She's a productivity solutions consultant. We're here to answer questions, throughout the, the presentation, and then feel free to reach out to us afterwards if you have additional questions.
We'll go through some common business challenges that people are facing today with storing paper.
We'll talk about different paperless options moving forward. One would be dot view. Another was, is would be enterprise content management.
We'll talk a little bit about storing documents, beyond storing documents. So adding automation to that, different things to to think of when you start, building out a strategy for that, for going paperless.
We'll go through a brief demo and then answer questions at the end.
A little bit more about intro, WorldView as a company. So we are actually the document management provider for DMSi. We started as a department of DMSi back twenty two years ago and branched off into our own company. But we focused on, you know, providing document storage needs for their customers. Twenty two years later, we're still doing that, but we also, do a lot with workflow process automation to try to help streamline processes and complement the agility software.
Now let's get into five common challenges that businesses face today.
Challenge #1: Paper
Okay. First challenge, having just a basic paper system paper based system to file your documents.
So, ultimately, what we wanna do is not have filing cabinets around or, different things of that nature. We want a central repository to store those documents.
We provide that in a cloud. We are in the Azure cloud.
Not only is it a central repository, there's also redundant backups and everything of that nature and all the security that goes along with that. But it really provides your company with a consistent framework of of storing your documents, across all branches and making sure that you have a process in place to do so.
Otherwise, if you don't have that process in place or a framework there, people kinda store things differently, and you can't really rely on that repository to find what you need.
When it comes to filing cabinets, it's it's kinda dumb to think about, but what is the value of wasted space with filing cabinets? I've talked to a lot of customers, the last couple years with COVID, and, a lot of that business was booming and people were expanding, building new facilities.
Well, I've talked to a lot of people. Well, you don't want need to build a filing cabinet room for that new that new warehouse that you're building. So, it's something to think about, but, really, we wanna get rid of filing cabinets altogether and go completely paperless.
When it comes to misplaced or lost documents, though, having that single repository, is just a great way because it's dedicated for document management.
I call it poor man's document management, but people will build network folders and scan documents to those network folders.
And, inevitably, you'll click on a folder and drag it, and it gets lost in another folder, and you can't find what you need.
Or I've talked to I've talked to so many AP departments where their invoices are coming in through email, and they they create an Outlook folder for that vendor name, and then they store all the dot all the invoices there, and you have to go back and try to find what you need.
Ultimately, that those those strategies aren't sustainable. So we our solution provides you a a, that repository to help manage those.
Challenge #2: Printing
Number two challenge, printing documents.
The reason I bring this up is because we have a, integration with Agility call we call it cold processing.
Cold is an outdated acronym. It's computer output to laserdisc. But, ultimately, what it allows you to do is as you're generating content in Agility, we automatically store that as a document and a record in our repository.
So for talking about accounts receivable and accounts payable documents, even month end reports can be generated and stored automatically.
And, ideally, what we wanna do is have you not print documents that you don't need to.
A common example would be assembling an AP packet before you send out checks to your suppliers.
People will print out a purchase order and then collate that with the receiving paperwork they get and then find the invoice and print that out of email so they can put it all together in a packet, staple it to the or paperclip it to the copy of the check, and have someone review it. You don't need to do that. With our system, you can just instantly access it from Agility.
It's funny. I was kinda talking to a a long time customer of ours a couple weeks ago, and he mentioned about we're talking about saving paper. And he's like, have you seen the cost of a pallet of paper recently? And I'm like, woah.
A pallet of paper. That's that's a lot. So I actually Googled it. It's like, it's over two thousand dollars.
So we ultimately, what we wanna do is provide the solution so we can really save on wasted money and cost savings with with printing paperwork.
Challenge #3: Filing
Number three challenge, filing documents.
We we really need to give a good way for people to capture their content and store it correctly and accurately.
So what do we provide? It's a document capture is what we call it. So there's a couple different things on here that I'll talk through and and even demo for you later.
One integration is called doc drop. So inside of agility, if I'm on on a sales order and I get a a supporting document for me that I wanna or maybe a delivery photo and I wanna upload it into the system, you can actually click the doc pop button in agility and just drag it in there and upload it automatically, and it's stored and tied to that sales order. So doc drop is a great tool and integration that we have for people to just upload documents and upload them to the correct transaction.
The other thing is just filing stuff away for your it's just a strain on your admin people.
Plus when you get content and you have to put it away in a filing cabinet, you really it's kind of in limbo until it actually gets filed away. So we incorporate what we call scan capture to make that process as quickly or as quick and efficient as possible.
So we use barcodes.
DMSi puts barcodes on a lot of their documents.
Proof of delivery is a a great example where you can scan that paperwork, and we read the barcodes on the documents to separate them and then apply them to that sales order.
So barcodes are great. They save a ton of time.
And we can also use optical character recognition for other, types of forms. So, ideally, what we wanna do is just limit the amount of effort it takes to get documents stored, and make it as accurate as possible.
Also, the other thing I'll say about that too is we really wanna make sure that we capture content as it comes into the organization.
For example, you're receiving paperwork, that you're getting at your branch locations.
We have a a method where we have you print off a PO checking list, and that has a barcode on it or it can a barcode can be on it.
And the users will scan those at the branch locations with that as a cover sheet. So we use that barcode to separate the documents and then, tie it to that order that purchase order automatically.
But the beautiful part of that is making that, that process easy for branches to do.
You capture the content as you get it. So if you ever need to see that receiving paperwork, you can see it, as as soon as you get it within your, location.
Challenge #4: Auditing
Alright. Challenge number four, time consuming retrieval and auditing processes. So let's talk through that a little bit. Our best integration I think we have with Agility is called DocPop.
It's the opposite of doc drop. So you can actually click that button on thirty plus screens in agility to actually view documents that are tied to that transaction.
Searching for documents in a filing cabinet or on a network folder or in a email is time consuming for admin for ad, admin staff, but it's also consuming time for your sales staff that should be selling and even your executive teams.
So we really wanna make that as easy as possible, and the doc pop button is a great way to save time, because it's instant access to those documents.
One of the big things with Docpop, obviously, is to ensure that you can resolve that customer call right away. If if one of your customers calls you and says, hey. I got this invoice.
I don't think you ever delivered this material to me. I'm not gonna pay the invoice. Well, in the past, you'd have to say, I'll call you back. Go to the filing cabinet. Grab the proof of sign proof of delivery.
Scan it to your multifunction device, and then email it to that person, call them back and say, yeah. This is what okay. And then you get it resolved. Well, with Docpop, you can just go into Agility, click on the Docpop button, view all the content that's or the sign delivery ticket for that order, and email it directly from our solution.
So, having instant access is is key to making sure that you guys are running efficiently.
The other component I would say would be auditing.
When you have all the documents stored in a repository and anyone can go in and click a button in agility to view documents, it makes it really easy for you to allow, people have to have access to that, including auditors.
I had a customer call couple weeks ago, and she had said an auditor came in and asked for five hundred random invoices and all the paperwork that goes with them.
She said that they gave, the auditor, a login, a limited login to Agility and say, hey. Click type in the invoice or the purchase order number and click that button, and you can see all the paperwork.
She said it saved them hundreds of hours of work for this audit. So I was kinda well, that might be kinda like her hyperbole or something of that nature. And then, like, a week later, I was talking to another customer, and I said, hey. So and so said this. Is that right? They said, yes. It's actually correct.
So the amount of time you're spending on audits, it it's key to have instant access where it really just makes you that much more efficient.
Challenge #5: Reporting
Alright. Last challenge is reporting and data integrity. This is this is key because when you're storing documents in a system, you need to make sure you'd have it all there. And so how do you do that?
We use something called reporting dashboards, and there's basic reporting, built into the system too where you can, use exception reports to say, hey. What documents are missing for, for my transactions or coming up for an audit?
So what you can do is, run the report. And, for example, to ensure you have all your signed PODs, you can run a report and say, hey. For this date range, how many of my invoices are missing signed PODs? It would give you that report, and then you can, utilize that to make sure you capture that content so you're not missing anything.
So I think a key to that is making sure that you're managing, not only your admin staff, but your branches as well. You need to make sure your branches are scanning things accurately, and it gives you a really easy tool to go in and see, are they, you know, are they doing their job or not? And then you can help me, manage that work.
Paperless Options
Okay. Let's talk about options for going paperless.
The first option I'm gonna talk about, we call it doc view.
I'll I'll preface saying that both these options I'm telling you about are built on the same software.
It's Hyland OnBase as the back end software for those of you that have used it in the past past.
It's the same software, only just just two different options to roll this out. So one with DocView, it's a multi tenant solution, that DMSi actually supports themselves.
It comes with a standard set of doc types and keywords. It comes with doc pop and drop drop so you can, view and upload documents from agility.
It comes with the cold integration of all the documents that are generated from agility can be stored in the system automatically. And it comes with a scan capture solution where we can scan documents, and we can utilize barcode reading and all that great stuff to capture the content.
The second option is what we call enterprise or ECM, enterprise content management.
And, basically, that is just the ability to give you guys a dedicated database for yourself that we can customize and tailor. And it really depends on how big your organization is, how complex your needs are.
But having a dedicated solution allows us to do, documents beyond agility documents, HR documents, contracts, banking information.
All of that content can be organized and stored in that one same repository, and it also gives you additional functionality that I'll talk about here in a second.
Enterprise comes with doc pop and doc drop, cold integration. There's I'm gonna call it advanced scan capture because we have more, ability to customize that with OCR, depending on what you wanna store.
It does come with more advanced reporting tools, that we kind of talked about in the slide, previous to this. And it allows us to actually add on different workflows and electronic forms to help automate business processes.
The enterprise solution is something that WorldView you'll go through WorldView, and we'll work with you on that and come out with a deployment strategy.
And so those are kind of the base of the two different flavors that we're offering here. So with, I think at any point, you can reach out to me or Ashley, and we can ask you some questions and kinda steer you in the right direction of which one probably makes the most sense for you.
Beyond Storing Documents
Real quickly, just wanna talk about Beyond Storing documents, I mentioned in the in the agenda.
There are lots of different workflow opportunities that we have to help make your business more efficient.
And they really do complement the different, processes you're doing within Agility as well.
The workflow opportunities and certain things that we do are are add ons that are available for our enterprise solution.
I'll just kinda go through a couple quick ones. AP invoice workflow, I think you've for those of you that have been, customers for a while, I'm sure you've seen, email blast or webinars sort of from us on, managing your accounts payable process. But we do have a great solution where we can have your payables go through a workflow, and then create the vouchers in agility, and do perform that AP recon check, speed up that process so you're not missing discounts on invoices.
We recently, have the ability to, send EDI invoices through that approval step, before going into DMSi.
There's, electronic forms and workflows. So for new vendor requests or new customer requests that your your branches or your salespeople are are doing, they can submit electronic form and have that go through a workflow, for approval and review.
Credit request form is a recent one we've done, with a couple, customers where they actually have a form that they can put on their website, and their customers can go and request a credit on a specific order. That then goes through a workflow process for review.
So there's many other workflows that we've done. I didn't wanna list a bunch of slides here.
But something for you guys to think about as you're coming up with a strategy to go paperless, There's lots of things we can do to eliminate paper altogether, and these workflows are are a big portion of those.
A couple other things that were on my mind as I was filling the slide out, ecommerce integrations. If you do happen to have an ecommerce side of your own, we've done done a lot of work with people to help make sure that content's available through that ecommerce site. There's different ways of capturing and working with documents, whether it's within Outlook. We have an integration for that and our own mobile app if that's something that you need to as well. So just something for you guys to think about. And if you're interested or have questions about that, I can I'd love to talk to you about it and walk you through that.
Live Demo
Demo time.
Let me walk through this with you.
First thing we're gonna show is doc pop and doc drop. So I'm in a sales order in agility here, and there's this doc storage button. And if you see it in your, Agility today and it's grayed out, that those are all the screens you can actually enable for doc pop, to view documents.
For the sales order, I'm gonna go ahead and click on the doc storage button. It gives me an option. Do I wanna view documents or attach documents?
I'm gonna go ahead and click on view. This will launch a web browser, out on your on your computer, through, through agility, and it will show me all the documents that I have stored tied to that sales order. So here's an example of that delivery ticket.
The inside puts the barcode on that, so it's easy for us to scan. Alright. Customer, you're asking him on the delivery. This guy, whatever his name is, sign for it. I can actually right click and then email this to you directly to to send you that that document.
We can, store delivery photos, invoices. So this would be an example of your cold documents that are automatically generated in agility, but it's all stored in here. So I have instant access to all the documents for that sales order.
So dot pop is great. It's a really efficient way of retrieving documents.
When you're using a an extra system like this, you know, ninety percent of your employees have no idea it's even not part of agility or it's outside of that because it's so easy in, transitions with the dot pop button.
Okay. The next one, let's just show dot drop. If I click on attach documents, this also launches, through a web browser.
And we are we're basically tying this document to the sales order. And I could say, hey. What type of document it is? Maybe it's a delivery photo. Then I can just drag and drop a document here in the, form and hit submit. That will automatically store that document in our system, and you can doc pop it. It's really, really simple.
Anyone can upload documents if you wish. So it's it's a pretty easy way of, storing documents on an ad hoc basis.
Okay. Let's go into the actual components of, of our application on searching for documents and indexing documents and some reporting.
I'm gonna log into our system. It's completely web based.
I have a a login here. I'm gonna log in as a demo user.
Okay. When I log in, I have I'm at a retrieval screen.
Dot pop is great because you can go into an order and click a button and view it. Sometimes you might have, a need to go and get, hey. Show me all the delivery tickets for a given customer.
So you can use date ranges. I'm gonna scroll down and, select my delivery ticket here. I can put a date range if I want to. Otherwise, I can start to type in, the, name of a customer for months demolition and do a search, and it brings back all the documents, in that search criteria.
So they can just double click on view and view this as well.
So doing ad hoc searching is great because there's a time where doc pop will be too tedious.
The other great component about this too is there's basic reporting built into this solution as well. So if I right click on this, hit list, I can do create list report here and export it to Excel. So if I wanna make sure, hey. Are all what did I scan yesterday for my branches? I can, run the report, export it to Excel. It has all my information as far as what branch it's at that's tied to and different things of that nature, and I can use that from a reporting tool as well.
So reporting is a really big component of that, but this gives you your admin team the ability to just query documents across the system.
The next thing I'll show is what we call a batch indexing, or this is the scan capture component. So as you're scanning documents, we go through our barcoding process and we index them. And sometimes you'll have stuff that doesn't read right or certain things that can't be barcoded, like invoices, for example, from your vendors. We wanna store those documents, so we wanna do it in an efficient way.
So we end up working with you on your, scanners at your they have your, locations, and we get those uploaded in our into our system as batches.
So if I go to index this batch of invoices, I can see the invoice here on the right hand side, and then we have keywords on the left hand side. What I wanna do is tie this to the record in agility so it could be doc popped.
So what I can do is just type in two four seven nine four one dash zero zero for the invoice number. Hit the tab button. That does a database connection inside of agility, and it floods all the other keyword data on the document. That way I can dot pop it because it's linked to that purchase order now. But I can also query this later with whatever keywords that I have stored on the system.
I'll do, indexing and then go on to the next one.
So when we talk about batch indexing, and strategies for that, it really depends on the volume of in of documents you have coming through. We have great ways to help manage that.
Okay. Lastly, from a demo, I'm just gonna go into our reporting.
This is an example where if I wanna run my missing POD report, I can run that report, and it'll show me all my invoices that do not have assigned POD.
The report's great. You can filter or drill down by branch. So this is my OMA branch, and then you can export this data as well. So we have lots of different types of reports that we can provide. This is probably the most common one, but one can be an example what that looks like.
That was my demo and presentation.
Q & A
I guess we'll open up to questions at this point, Ashley.
Yeah. Wonderful. Okay. Let's see here. First question. For the cold processing, are you able to store customer statements automatically?
Yeah. I should have mentioned that in the slide earlier. I kind of highlighted the main, cold doc documents that we store. There's a a larger list of different document types that you have the option of storing automatically, and statements is one of them. But if the if you're interested in learning more about that, I can provide that list for you.
Perfect. Thank you. Next, we have, do we need specific scanners in order to scan documents for the system?
You multifunction devices that you have, those work great. So, we'll we'll work with your IT team to make sure that we get the right settings on there, but any multifunction device or copy or printer will work.
Wonderful. Let's see here. Got are you able to report on which purchase orders are missing invoices or receiving paperwork?
Yes. Yes. That is an option for the exception reporting. So we have exception reporting on the accounts receivable side based off of invoices and signed PODs.
The payable side, we have purchase orders. We can just make sure we have all the supporting content for those as well.
Wonderful. And then we've got, will these slides be available for future use?
So, I I know, yes, we're recording, the webinar right now, and so we'll be able to send out the recording.
What I I'm not sure are the slides.
Aaron, would you be able to Yep.
Speak to that?
I don't mind, providing those. If you wanna reach out to me directly, by by all means, yeah, just reach out to me, and I can provide whatever you need.
Wonderful. Yeah. Sounds good. Yeah. We can send those out.
And that's that's all the questions we have. If anyone has has any other questions, we'll stay on here for for a few minutes. Otherwise, thank you guys. Thank you all so much for joining.
Have a great rest of your afternoon.
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With WorldView’s enterprise suite of solutions, we take a global approach to your business processes. We are constantly developing and implementing new tools to help companies streamline the way they work. It is through this innovation that we are able to provide such a diverse menu of services.