How Modern Technological Solutions Can...

Documentation mistakes can put organizations and agencies at risk of consequences, including...

Finding the Best Technology for Healthcare...

Healthcare referral management is vital to providing faster and better patient care. Undue delays...

How a Home Health Agency Simplified Orders...

Boston Home Health Aides, LLC (“BHHA”), located in Lawrence, MA, is a Medicare/Medicaid Certified...

The Importance of Medical Records...

Medical record requests are a fundamental part of acting as a payor in the healthcare industry....

Top 5 Reasons Why Businesses Need an...

Businesses produce and receive numerous documents every day. From spreadsheets and emails to...

5 Reasons to Automate the Accounts Payable...

Every business inevitably needs to process invoices. Yet, over 90% of invoices are still processed...

Medical Records Management: How to Save...

Medical record requests are a challenge for everyone, but especially for the provider. Some...

3 Reasons a Mobile App is the Right Choice...

As a field worker in home health and hospice care, you likely have millions of tasks weighing on...

Where Can Hospice Agencies Still Cut Costs...

It feels like the past two years, all we’ve heard about is Covid this/that; however, now, as we are...