An Increase in Home Health Audits: What to...

Following a COVID-19-related slowdown in home health care audits, government agencies are starting...

Caregivers Need Support Too: How To Reduce...

As of 2021, the United States was home to over 55 million people aged 65+, and this number is...

WorldView and Homecare Homebase Deepen...


How Document Management Helped This Home...

Less than a year ago, the electronic medical records team at HCR Home Care was inefficient due to...

7 Ways Automation Improves Physician...

Quality healthcare depends on the delivery of information, and an effective process means patients...

Why Are Integrated Solutions For Hospice...

Hospice care is a challenging field that comes with a high rate of burnout, which impacts over half...

How Modern Technological Solutions Can...

Documentation mistakes can put organizations and agencies at risk of consequences, including...

Finding the Best Technology for Healthcare...

Healthcare referral management is vital to providing faster and better patient care. Undue delays...

How a Home Health Agency Simplified Orders...

Boston Home Health Aides, LLC (“BHHA”), located in Lawrence, MA, is a Medicare/Medicaid Certified...